Welcome To The Community!

New To The Grandville Jenison Community
On behalf of the Grandville Jenison Chamber of Commerce we want to extend a warm welcome to you! We know you will find the people in our area to be very friendly and willing to help make this a place where you will want to live for many years.
To familiarize yourself with our community we provide a FREE Community Profile and Membership Directory with a “pull-out” map that includes a printable key. In addition to important phone numbers, a member business resource guide, it also highlights senior living, our parks and community events to name a few.
.For hard copy publications, please visit Georgetown Township and/or City of Grandville Offices, Grandville and Georgetown Township Libraries
and the Chamber Office, 2939 Wilson, Suite 106, Grandville MI.
For additional locations call 616.531.8890.
See link for common phone numbers for both communities. https://grandjen.com/serving-grandvillejenison/
Get Connected on Social Media
Grandville/Jenison Chamber of Commerce:
City of Grandville:
Georgetown Township:
Search The Member Database
Find a Grandville Jenison Chamber Of Commerce Member
Grandville Jenison
Chamber Of Commerce
2939 Wilson, Suite 106
Grandville MI 49418
(616) 531-8890