Cheryl Clark

Cheryl Clark

State your name, position, and why you are running.

Cheryl Clark – Ottawa County Treasurer
When I learned that our former treasurer, Amanda Price, was retiring, I knew immediately that we needed a leader who would carry on Ottawa County’s legacy of sound fiscal responsibility and because I have lived in Ottawa County for most of my life and have worked for Ottawa County for over 28 years, I believe that I am that leader. I have been and will continue to be dedicated and committed to Ottawa County and its residents.

What expertise and strengths are you bringing to the board?

  • I have worked alongside 4 different Ottawa County Treasurers, learning valuable lessons from each of them.
  • I have overseen and managed Ottawa County’s $200+ million investment portfolio by following Public Act 20 and the Ottawa County Investment Policy; reviewing and updating the investment policy; establishing procedures to control risk and diversify investments; keeping the portfolio sufficiently liquid to meet operating, capital expenditure, and debt needs; and maximizing the county’s return on surplus funds.
  • I have assisted Ottawa County residents in keeping their property from going into tax foreclosure.
  • I have processed and managed multiple budgets for the Ottawa County Treasurer’s Office.
  • I have written Deposit and Investment notes to the annual financial statements for Ottawa County.
  • I have had successful audits for both Ottawa County and Robinson Township.
  • I have hands on experience in fund accounting.

I have the following education and certifications

  • Bachelor of Business Administration from Cornerstone Universityo Advanced Certified Public Funds Investment Manager.
  • Certified Public funds Investment Manager.
  • Certified Public Finance Administrator.
  • High performance Leadership Master Certificate (NaCO).
  • Graduate of the Michigan Municipal Treasurers Institute.

Over the years I have built good relationships with:

The local unit treasurers, which I attribute to the fact that I was a township treasurer. I understand their responsibilities and have knowledge of the laws that they must follow. I believe that being a township treasurer also taught me what it is like to be an elected official. I learned that as an elected official, I only answer to the residents and that I must take the time to listen to them.
Bankers and brokers, leveraging my relationship with them to receive reduced fees and higher interest rates.
Other county departments – they know that I have the expertise needed to run the Treasurer’s Office and am willing to work with them.

I have been endorsed by:

  • Bradley J. Slagh, State Representative 85th District & former Ottawa County Treasurer
  • Nancy DeBoer, State Representative 86th District
  • Luke Meerman, State Representative 89th District
  • Steve Kempker, Ottawa County Sheriff
  • Lee Fisher, Ottawa County Prosecutor
  • Bonnie Hayward, Robinson Township Treasurer
  • Randy Vander Zwaag, Olive Township Treasurer
  • Don Vanderkuyl, Blendon Township Supervisor
  • Right To Life of Michigan PAC
  • Amanda Price, former Ottawa County Treasurer
  • Gary Rosema, former Ottawa County Sheriff
  • Ron Frantz, former Ottawa County Prosecutor

Why should residents vote for you?

I am your experienced county treasurer, who has been invested in Ottawa County my whole life! My passion is for Ottawa County, its residents and the employees. I will continue to uphold the county’s long-standing tradition of integrity, transparency, fiscal responsibility and service to the residents.