Distinguished Jenison Person of the Year” “Distinguished Grandville Person of the Year” “Future Leader in the Making”
2017 Nomination Form Deadline Date, Wednesday, March 29
The Chamber’s “Jenison Citizen of the Year” and “Grandville Citizen of the Year” awards will be presented at the Chamber’s Community Awards Dinner and Awards Reception on Thursday, April 27 at Gleneagle Golfclub.
Criteria: Activities or significant contributions that resulted in the improvement and quality of life for the residents and/or businesses of the Grandville/Jenison/Georgetown Township Community.
A judging panel comprised of community leaders and members of the Chamber Board of Directors shall review each nomination and select a winner. The judges’ decisions shall be final.
Jenison Citizen of the Year Grandville Citizen of the Year
Future Leader in the Making) that have contributed to the quality of life for the residents and/or businesses of the Grandville/Jenison/Georgetown Township Community.
___ Ages 8–12 ___ 13-17
Nominee’s Name:
Address: Phone: E-Mail:
Nominator’s Name E-Mail or Phone
Your Relationship to Nominee:
Future Leader in the Making Nominee Parent Contact:
- Please provide a detailed description of the nominee’s contributions. Explain when and under what circumstances these contributions were made. Also provide information about specific benefits to our community resulting from this nominee’s activity. Please provide as much detailed information as possible relative to career, family, education and volunteer
- Attach your information to this form and mail to the Grandville-Jenison Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 175, Grandville, MI 49468-0175, or e-mail, [email protected] , or fax. 328.6559
Sandy LeBlanc, Executive Director,
Grandville Jenison Chamber