Marketing Vs Advertising

Think of it as a set of building blocks. Marketing refers to preparing a product for the marketplace and includes your mission, purpose, and your story. Determining your ideal client, creating the best messages, and choosing the vehicle(s) that will reach your audience. It also includes measurement and the sales process.
Advertising is making your product and service known to an audience or marketplace by using a specific vehicle. Advertising is a part of the marketing process. Advertising typically includes some kind of fee for placement. Marketing is the plan on WHERE to advertise.
Think of Marketing as your umbrella canopy and advertising is one spoke of the marketing plan.
Advertising is one area which creates a specific instance for highlighting your unique value. Creating visibility for your ideal client.
Advertising would include Facebook ads, Google ads, paid advertisements in publications or a paid radio spot. Personally, I prefer to use all free and low cost marketing and advertising which includes a great deal of media work.
Advertisements are specific instances which reference your brand. They are important because it takes many points of visibility for your brand to get a person to react and engage.
If someone reads your blog that has been posted on social media, then, hears your name on the radio interview, and then views your logo in a publication they respect, your brand will start to resonate with them. This process of making your brand visible in various areas, is called Integrated Marketing. This is our specialty area and we enjoy teaching it. So, if you want more information on how to do this, contact us!