In 2009, when the former Greater Grandville Chamber and Jenison Chamber were in talks to merge, the Ted terHaar Memorial Scholarship was one of the most important part of the talks.  Former leaders from the Jenison Chamber wanted to ensure his legacy was carried on. The Grandville Jenison Chamber is proud to remember him each year and grateful to the many golfers each year that support all of our scholarships.

We asked Dave Tchozewski, a former colleague and friend of Ted’s to share why he was so loved!

Ted terHaar was a long time Jenison High School Math Teacher, School To Career Coordinator, and Soccer Coach who left an indelible mark in the district. He left this earth far too soon, passing away unexpectedly at age 47.

His creative approach to connecting what he did in his classroom with business and industry brought an energy to his teaching that serves today as a model for teaching and learning. He was one of the first teachers to take learning outside of his classroom walls. You would frequently see his students on projects in the wood shop, in the gym, or somewhere on the grounds. Field trips to local businesses or industries became the norm.

He extended his efforts to reach a broader audience in his role as School To Career Coordinator for Jenison Public Schools. Today, programs for preparing students for life beyond high school that he helped to create continue to thrive and have been recognized at local, regional, and state levels. Ted served as President of the Jenison Chamber of Commerce which helped him to create a strong bond between the schools and the Chamber. We continue to recognize his work with scholarships named in his honor.

Golf Outing
Friday June 8
Gleneagle Golf Club
Cost: $80 per golfer or $300 for foursome

8 am or 1:00 pm Four Person Scramble

Download Form 2018 Golf 

Includes: 18 holes of golf with cart, driving range, lunch, soft drinks
Morning:  Bloody Mary/Screwdriver Bar  Afternoon:  Snack and Refreshment Tent
Beverages:  New this year! Bring Your Own Coolers with beverages of your choice including alcohol.
Why?  Proceeds from each chamber support the following Chamber Scholarships

Golf and/or sponsor! 

Community Event Sponsors: