Chamber Forms & Policies

Downloadable Chamber Forms , Guidelines, Applications, Agreements and Policies and Procedures are updated each year by the Board of Directors.

Revised, September, 2016 – Below is a glimpse of chamber policies that relate to your membership. For a complete copy of Chamber Policies and Procedures, email [email protected]

Leads Referral Group Visitor Sub Guidelines

Chamber Conduct Policy – Staff, members, and board members can be disciplined (up to and including termination of the employment/membership/ tenure respectively) for commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or conduct that can create a hostile work environment or that poorly represents the chamber and do not reflect the chamber Bylaws,

Apparent Authority – The Board of Directors have authority granted to them to conduct the business and affairs of the chamber according to the By-Laws. The chamber’s staff handle the day-to-day operations of the business. They have the power to bind the corporation through transactions that arise in the usual and ordinary business of the organization, subject to the board approved chamber budget, but not in extraordinary transactions (e.g. sale of corporate assets, mergers, dissolution’s, etc.).

Communication& Media Policy –It is the policy of the chamber that any communications on behalf of the chamber shall be made officially through its Executive Director, or the Board President. No statements shall be made, either verbal or written, that conflict with the position of the chamber. Leadership should understand that by virtue of their position, any statements may be perceived as official and made on behalf of the chamber.

To control official communications, stationary and business cards shall be for the use of the staff only. Exception to this would be a letter written by the President under direction of the board and/or staff. A copy of the approved letter shall be provided to staff within 24 hours of dissemination for permanent file retention. Staff will prepare letters on behalf of the chamber with a copy remaining in the office.

Social Media Policy – It is the intent of the chamber to represent itself appropriately, consistently and positively on the internet.

  1. All postings to chamber social media sites and online community accounts may be subjected to review by chamber staff, leadership, and designated volunteers and may be deleted without The chamber may delete any responses at its discretion, such as posts containing profanity, vulgarity, posts which are demeaning or inflammatory to other people, or posts that show the chamber or its members in a negative manner,
  2. Chamber social media sites and online community accounts accessed and utilized by staff or volunteers may not be used for private or personal purposes or for the purpose of expressing private or personal views on personal, political or policy
  3. Chamber social media sites and online community accounts are considered a chamber asset and logins to these accounts must be securely administered by staff of the The chamber reserves the right to shut down any of its social media sites or online community accounts for any reason without notice.
  4. Inclusion of the following disclaimer is required on all social media sites and online community accounts: “The Grandville Jenison Chamber disclaims liability for ads, videos, promoted content or comments accessible from any external web site. The responsibility for external content or comments rests with the organizations or individuals providing them. Any inclusion of external content or comments does not imply endorsement by the Chamber. The Grandville Jenison Chamber may delete any responses at its discretion, such as posts containing profanity, obscenity, defamation, words inciting violence or crime, inflammatory posts, posts which are demeaning to other people, or posts that portray the Chamber or its members in a negative manner.”
  5. Postings – Post meaningful, respectful comments that promote collaboration and Do not spam, inflame or make comments that are offensive.

Social Media Guidelines

Posting may include:

  1. Chamber events
  2. Chamber member events
  3. Not-for-profit fundraisers held in the community
  4. City events
  5. Member news

Posting not allowed:

  1. Sales at non-chamber member businesses
  2. Garage sales, , for individual profit
  3. Political commentary

Anti-Trust – The Chamber is organized for the purpose stated above and not intended to, and may not, play any role in the competitive decisions of its members or their employees, or in any way unreasonably restrain trade in any aspect of the business community. The Chamber through this statement of policy makes it clear its unequivocal support for the policy of competition served by state and federal anti-trust laws, including but not limited to the Sherman Act, 15 USC §§ 1-7, the Clayton Act, 15 USC §§ 12-27, and the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 USC §§ 41-58 (“the anti-trust laws”) and its intent to comply in all respects with those laws. It is the individual responsibility of every member of the Chamber to be guided by the anti-trust laws and it is not the Chamber’s role to act as an arbiter or judge of competitive conduct of its members. As such, this statement of anti-trust policy is not a mechanism through which members should charge another member with alleged illegal action.

Endorsements/Fundraising – Charitable donations are not part of the mission statement of the chamber, therefore member dues should not be used to donate or sponsor any charitable event or program.

Chamber Mailing List & Member Information

  1. Mailing Addresses – The chamber does offer a member mailing list available to paid members in good standing in excel format as a member An administrative cost may be applied. The member will agree that the listing will not be sold or redistributed for any other purposes.
  2. E-Mails – The chamber does not share member’s e-mail

Chamber Office Hours The scheduled office hours are from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday. The office will be closed for offsite meetings and events

Committees All committees report to the board and are administered by the staff. (see organizational chart)

Funding – No committee or member may make any expenditure or incur any obligation on behalf of the chamber without previous appropriation and approval made by the Board of Directors. In addition, all monies for any Chamber sponsored group or event must be received through Chamber Staff and Chamber Office.

Responsibility – It is the responsibility of the committee to complete project goals which were set forth and assigned to them by the Board of Directors. They may take action necessary to the achievement of their goals, provided such action is within the bounds set forth by the Board of Directors

Meetings – All committee meetings must meet with chamber representation (staff or board member) unless prior authorization has been made in advance. When this is not possible the committee will send detailed minutes to the chamber committee representative.

Branding of Groups – All groups must receive approval by Chamber Staff and if requested by Chamber Staff the Board of Directors for any branding efforts to advertise such group. Including but not limited to; websites/social media pages or any printed marketing.

Chamber Office Rental Policy The following terms and conditions apply to the use of the chamber office. A Grandville Jenison Chamber Office Rental Agreement must be signed to reserve.

Rental of the chamber office is only available to chamber members in good standing, and have been a member more than 90 Rental use will be on a first come, first served basis. Chamber meetings take priority.

  1. Limit 1 meeting room rental per quarter unless otherwise approved by chamber (Does not apply to premier partners)
  2. Meetings may not be scheduled more than 6 months in advance
  3. The chamber office is for business related purposes No personal events are to be scheduled for the building.
  4. The chamber has the right to refuse rental to any individual or organization
  5. Chamber members signing the agreement needs to be in attendance for the duration of the entire event
  6. No alcoholic beverages or smoking are permitted in the chamber office
  7. It is the policy of the chamber neither to endorse a person nor a particular product except in exceptional circumstances as ratified by the membership and/or the Board of Given that, the chamber office may not be used for marketing and promotional purposes for either a person (e.g. a politician) or a product. It may be used for any manner of internal (inward-facing) meetings by any party.

Chamber Events

Refunds – Members and non-members making reservations must cancel at least 48 hours in advance prior to the event to receive full refund.

Event cancellations due to weather – Any chamber event that starts prior to 9 am including Leads Referral groups will be cancelled if either Jenison or Grandville Public Schools are closed due to severe weather.

Vendor Policy – It shall be the policy of the chamber to purchase its supplies, equipment and services only from chamber members in good standing. Exceptions to this policy would be if the chamber has no member within the category, or if the cost savings realized by using a nonmember exceed 20 percent. In such cases, non-members would be asked to join the chamber in exchange for receiving the business.

For equipment, services and supplies totaling more than $500 per individual purchase, or $2,500 cumulatively per vendor for the year, the chamber shall initiate a Request for Proposal (RFP) among its members. Choice of vendor shall reflect low bid plus consideration of other factors including quality of product, materials produced or work performed locally, and/or the ability to provide satisfactory ongoing service. In no event shall bid amounts from one vendor be disclosed to other bidding vendors. It shall also be the policy of the chamber to rotate vendors for other services whenever possible in order to patronize a broader cross-section of membership. The chamber reserves the right to contract with any chamber member for goods and services as long as the bidding process is followed and all specifications are met.

Business Round Tables & Leads/Referral Groups – Group participants must be a member in good standing of the chamber and pay an annual non-refundable fee determined by Board of Directors each year.

Each person exclusively represents their line of business/industry within their group and is based on a first come basis (paid).

Each group will define their guidelines annually and will be decided by a group member majority vote, but will not promote any policy or guideline that is in conflict with the policy and procedures of the chamber.

Membership in the group can be revoked for unethical business practices only upon recommendation of the Leads Networking leaders to the chamber staff liaison.

Chamber Copyright Disclaimer – To be listed on new member application, I, individually, and on behalf of my business entity agree to hold harmless the Grandville Jenison Chamber and ChamberMaster with regards to the publication of any item on the website of the Grandville Jenison Chamber or any other medium of the organization. The word “item” includes, but is not limited to, any written material, photographs, and videos.

Chamber of Commerce Community Expos – Only members in good standing will be allowed to participate in the fall or spring Grandville Jenison Chamber Community Expo.

Membership Dues Policy – Dues will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors, no later than October 31 of that year. Membership investment dues are based on a January – December calendar year, and are invoiced in early November with a due date of January 31. Any new member joining after March 31 will be invoiced at a pro-rated rate.

Article II of the Chamber Bylaws states that any member shall be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors after 90 days of non-payment. Upon approval membership investments may be paid in three installments with a ten dollar administration fee added. If a member chooses the payment plan option and membership investment dues are not paid within 90 days, the member will be recommended for cancellation with no refund given for amount paid. The chamber many not enter into any exchange of service for membership agreements.

Candidate Forum & Debate Requirements – It is the policy of the chamber that any candidates participating in any Grandville Jenison Chamber election forum or debate must be a candidate by filing a nomination petition with their local city or municipality by the file due date.

Event Non-Member Rates – Prospective members who register themselves for events will pay the non-member rate, which would be 100% above the member rate, excluding the Annual Meeting, Community Awards Ceremony and Legislative Breakfast. Members are welcome to register guests and bring them at the member price. Representatives from non-member companies are welcome to attend a maximum of 2 chamber events within a calendar year.

Chamber Advisory Group – The Chamber will invite Past Chamber Presidents to be a part of the Grandville Jenison Chamber Advisory Group. The group will be consulted in the matter of tie votes or key issues. They will also be invited to attend one Executive Board Meeting in the first 6 months as a group, and a regular Board Meeting when their schedule allows in the last 6 months.

Branding/Logo Usage – The Chamber’s logo is developed and utilized for the promotion and marketing of the organization and is available to use as a member in good standing with written permission from the Executive Director. Members no longer in good standing are responsible from removing logo from all digital and printed marketing materials including Member Decal. Elements of color and font are to be strictly adhered to if permission is granted.

Logo Usage Guidelines – The following guidelines have been developed to ensure the proper and consistent use of the official logo of the Grandville Jenison Chamber of Commerce.

  • Usage – The logo is for use by members in good standing, as well as by the media. If you are a member of the Chamber, you can use the logo on your website.
  • Color – The logo must be used in its original form, with no alterations to the design or color palette. The logo includes a white background which must be included with the logo.
  • Minimum Size – When you use the logo, maintain its overall integrity. For example, in no case should you reduce the size so much that the tag line “Connecting Business & Community” are not legible. Do not attempt to stretch or skew the logo.
  • Logo Downloads – For all other uses of our logo we request that you contact us and let us know how you intend to use it. We will work with you to ensure that the end use is appropriate for both your company and the Chamber.

Photography & Video –The Grandville Jenison Chamber captures photo and video at Chamber functions. Images may be used online or in print to promote the Chamber and the Grandville Jenison Community. If you do NOT wish to appear in Chamber photos or video, please notify Chamber staff or email your request to [email protected]

Use of Spam from Chamber Website – The Chamber does not support or condone the use of spam and the sending of unsolicited email in any form. Use of this Site, directly or indirectly, to send spam or unwanted email is highly discouraged.

Chamber Positions – Advocacy Article1, Section 4. Of the Grandville Jenison Chamber bylaws states. “The chamber shall be non- partisan and nonsectarian, and shall take no part in or lend its influence or facilities, either directly or indirectly, to the nomination, election or appointment of any candidate for office in city, county, state or nation, nor shall any meetings of a political nature whatsoever be held within the premises occupied by or under the control of the chamber.”

Printed Marketing Business to Business or Consumer – Use of Chamber’s Bulk Mail Permit – Bulk mail is a way to save money on postage by doing things that save the US Postal Service (USPS) money. They pass some of the savings along to you by charging you lower postage prices. The most common type of bulk mail is called “Standard Class”. Most advertising mail, newsletters, etc. are sent using Standard Class. To purchase your own bulk mail permit would be $200 per year. The Chamber purchases the Permit and allows their members to use at no charge. Before you start your mailing, please call Heather at 531.8890 for details

As a member of the Grandville Jenison Chamber you have access to the Chamber’s Bulk Mail Permit. If you purchased your own permit? $300 one-time fee with an annual fee of $300.

  • FREE MB – Bulk Mail Rate – .Less than .30 per letter – Must have 200 identical pieces. Contact Sandy at 616.531.8890 for details and requirements.
  • FREE MB Want to promote a new product or service to Chamber Members? As a member, the listing is free!
  • $25 – We will provide you printed envelopes with your logo and return address with member listing.

Guideline prior to deciding if your mailing fits guidelines:

  • Prior to starting bulk mail, provide a sample piece to Chamber to verify requirements.
  • Must have at least 200 exact size and weight and know the exact amount prior to completing.
  • Will call the Chamber in advance prior to sending out mailing to schedule an appointment to finalize paperwork to bring to post office. (Chamber will assist)
  • Bulk Mail must be paid by check or cash payable to Us Postmaster
  • Bulk Mail needs to be brought to US Post Office between the hours of 9:30 am -3:30 pm.

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Grandville Jenison
Chamber Of Commerce
2939 Wilson, Suite 106
Grandville MI 49418
(616) 531-8890

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